Simple money transfers around the world. Universal solutions for receiving payments and purchases. There is nothing easier! Register an account today and see for yourself! With PayPac, you can effortlessly manage your finances, make seamless transactions, and experience the convenience of modern banking.

Send and receive payments. Experience the freedom of borderless banking with PayPac, an international e-wallet that makes global transactions easy.

Multicurrency Account Icon
Multicurrency Account

PayPac supports multiple currencies, making it easier for you to handle international transactions. Convert and transfer money in the currency of your choice without any hassle. Whether you're a frequent traveler or conduct business globally, our multicurrency account provides you with the flexibility and convenience you need to manage your finances efficiently.

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Merchant Integration Icon
Merchant Integration

Accept payments on your site using a simple HTML form and IPM notifications. For merchants, PayPac offers a seamless and secure way to accept payments from customers around the world. Whether you run an online store, a brick-and-mortar shop, or a mobile business, our merchant payment platform is designed to meet your needs. Enjoy quick setup, low fees, and robust security features.

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Purchase Protection Icon
Purchase Protection

Buy goods and pay for services with confidence. If something goes wrong, we will refund your money. Our comprehensive purchase protection program ensures that your transactions are safe and secure. With PayPac, you can shop with peace of mind, knowing that we have your back in case of any issues. Trust and security are at the core of our service.

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PayPac Just Wallet unites buyers and sellers around the world

Join thousands of PayPac Just Wallet users around the world

Safe and Secure

Buy without worrying about the consequences. If you do not receive the goods, we will refund your money. Our secure payment gateway and advanced fraud protection measures ensure that your transactions are safe and reliable.

Invoice System

Issue bills to your customers, get paid, and withdraw funds from your account in convenient payment directions. Manage your invoices easily with our user-friendly platform and keep track of your payments seamlessly.

Shops and Payment

Pay for goods and services on the site. Choose a store, enter a note for payment, and make a payment. It's fast and safe! Our extensive network of partner stores ensures that you have a wide range of options for your purchases.

Currency Exchange

Exchange and store different currencies in one wallet. You will be pleasantly surprised by the exchange rates. Our competitive rates and low fees make it easy for you to manage your money across different currencies without any hassle.

Create an account and get started